
Atanur Rannaghar is a Professional Cooking Education Platform. Here we will provide you with interesting restaurant Style Cooking Recipe content. We’re dedicated to providing you with the best Cooking Education, with a focus on dependability and Cooking Courses. We’re working to turn our passion for Education into a booming online website. We hope you enjoy our Cooking Recipes as much as we enjoy offering them to you.

How To Create Account

Step 1 : Go To Registration Page
Step 2 : Fill Up Your Details
First Name : Type First Name
Last Name : Type Last Name
User Name : Type Login User Name
E-Mail : Type Email ID
Password : Type Login Password
Password Confirmation : Re-Type Your Password
Simply Click “Continue With Google” And Choose Your Email ID to Create an Account.

How To Buy Course

Step 1 : Go To Corse Page
Step 2 : Click On Buy Now Button
Note : If You Have Not Created An Account Before Then You Can Create An Account From Here.
For That You Have To Click Register Now And Follow The Step 1 & Step 2 Or Click Continue With Google.
Step 3 : Fill Up Billing Details
Step 4 : Choose Payment Method And Make Payment.